Exclusive GRI report: Key insights and analysis following the annual gathering of Germany's real estate elite at Deutsche GRI 2024
UK residential market panorama from the Head of Residential Capital Markets at BNP Paribas Real Estate, Andrew Screen
Exclusive report following insight and experience-sharing among senior real estate market players active in Portugal
Exclusive takeaways from this year’s España GRI 2024 which gathered 170 market players for two days of private discussion sessions
CEO of Future of London, Nicola Mathers, discusses collaboration between public and private realms in designing the future London.
Real estate leaders debate outlooks on the mid-market space amid ample capital availability contrasted with cautious sentiment
Deutschlands RE-Führungskräfte diskutieren beim GRI-Treffen über Herausforderungen und Strategien auf dem Wohnungsmarkt des Landes