GRI Club partnered with CMS and gathered the leading real estate players to discuss challenges facing the German housing market
Co-Founder & CEO of Deepki, Vincent Bryant, explains importance of carbon efficiency in real estate assets
Head of Value Add Investing Europe at Barings, Valeria Falcone explains today’s opportune moment for real estate investment
Valentina Shegoyan, REACH UK - Second Century Ventures, discusses new and future technologies revolutionising real estate
Co-Founder & Managing Director at Zeitgeist Asset Management reveals particular interest in Student Housing
Panels at this year’s Europe GRI 2023 discuss Logistics growth and strategies surrounding the scarcity of prime location supply
Daniel Katz presents Cosmos 3D’s innovative solution reducing waste and increasing efficiency in construction for real estate
Global Vice-President of Damac, Paulo Mancio, describes the optimism for real estate investment opportunities in the Middle East
Head of Debt Investment reveals insights into lending strategies and challenges at Tristan Capital Partners
SFO Capital Partners’ CEO, Mohamad Abouchalbak, highlights adaptability as crucial in real estate strategy
Insights on the Rise of Real Estate Private Debt from Simon Wallace
Greenman Group CEO Shares Expert Insights From Europe GRI 2023
BlackRock’s Cédric Dujardin shares perspectives on 2024 and the role of ESG in the real estate market
Envisioning real estate of the future, Susannah Stewart explains the importance of creativity, innovation and technology
What impact will the real estate giant’s downfall have on China’s economy - and the rest of the world?