Real estate leaders debate outlooks on the mid-market space amid ample capital availability contrasted with cautious sentiment
Deutschlands RE-Führungskräfte diskutieren beim GRI-Treffen über Herausforderungen und Strategien auf dem Wohnungsmarkt des Landes
Griffin Capital Partners’ Managing Partner, Nebil Șenman, and Echo Investment’s CEO, Nicklas Lindberg, discuss their latest JV
Planet Smart City’s Susannah Stewart reveals value and opportunities behind distressed assets by understanding the wider context
What impact will the new UK budget have on levels of distress in commercial real estate?
How does the Czech Republic stand up against neighbours in the CEE region?
Key insights from GRI Club’s online meeting with market experts
To achieve net zero emissions by 2050, companies must adapt to changing expectations worldwide
Exclusive report following GRI Club’s annual UK flagship event with 200+ senior real estate executives
Exclusive report following GRI Club’s Economic Series with guest speakers from Santander and Banco de España
Key takeaways from the GRI India Data Centre Forum 2024
Deepki on integrating social aspects into ESG practices
Repurposing offices to other real estate types is on the rise
Exclusive report with all takeaways from the GRI Club roundtable meeting gathering leading CEE real estate market players
Columbia University’s Real Estate AI Research and Innovation Director shares the reality of artificial intelligence in RE