German real estate market leaders describe current challenges, including finding financeable assets which meet ESG demands
High office vacancy and scarcity of other asset types calls for strategic transformations report leading French RE professionals
RE investors at Europe GRI 2023 describe tentative sentiments in Portugal despite strong fundamentals and favourable risk-return
Spanish real estate market insights at Europe GRI 2023 identify financing and capital allocation as main challenges
Industry leaders contemplate the transformation of traditional RE: merged asset classes, third-place offices, and operational RE
Discussions at Europe GRI 2023 assess the current state of the UK real estate market considering current economic turbulence
Italy’s evolving real estate market must now expand into the country’s secondary cities - leading real estate players discuss how
GRI Club Meeting gathered investors, developers, and municipal officials to debate Portugal’s most pressing RE issue: housing
The IMF’s Assistant Director, Rupa Duttagupta, presents Portugal’s current economic scenario and challenges to housing market
GRI Club partnered with CMS and gathered the leading real estate players to discuss challenges facing the German housing market
Co-Founder & CEO of Deepki, Vincent Bryant, explains importance of carbon efficiency in real estate assets
Head of Value Add Investing Europe at Barings, Valeria Falcone explains today’s opportune moment for real estate investment
Valentina Shegoyan, REACH UK - Second Century Ventures, discusses new and future technologies revolutionising real estate
Panels at this year’s Europe GRI 2023 discuss Logistics growth and strategies surrounding the scarcity of prime location supply
Co-Founder & Managing Director at Zeitgeist Asset Management reveals particular interest in Student Housing